
St Anne's

CofE (A) Primary School

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Reception – Miss Robinson

Welcome to Class Reception!


Throughout this year your children will be working closely with:

Miss Robinson – Class Teacher

Mrs McKinnell – Teaching Assistant



Tell Me a Story

Welcome to St Anne's C of E Primary School 


During the Spring  Term our topic will be Tell Me a Story  



This term our new topic is ‘Tell Me a Story’.  Throughout the topic we will be reading a range of Traditional Tales and stories that link to different foods. We will be learning to retell stories using a Talk for Writing Method where the children use a story map and actions to help them retell it.  We will be learning some new sounds in phonics and using them in our reading and writing.  In Maths we will be thinking about numbers to 10 and use these in simple additions and subtractions. We will be looking at food and using our senses to help us describe them.



Key information

Key times:


8.50am - children line up and Miss Robinson and Mrs McKinnell will collect them from the KS1 playground

3.20pm - pick up time from KS1 playground



Please make sure that all clothing is labelled including PE kits and shoes. In Class Reception we access our outside area in all weathers.  As the weather will begin to get colder please make sure you send in coats, hats, gloves and scarves.


Water Bottles and Fruit 

Children should bring a named water bottle each day.  We provide free fruit on a daily basis or your child can bring their own piece of fruit for morning snack. Please don’t send them with other snacks such as with crisps, biscuits or chocolates. 



We will be sharing lots of books in school and it is important that this continues at home. To support your child at home we encourage that they read with you daily. If they read for a minimum of 3 times a week and note it in their diaries they will receive a remarkable reader sticker and when they have done this for 5 weeks they will receive a prize



Our PE day this term will be a Thursday.  Please send your child in wearing their PE kit on that day. Make sure everything is named so we can quickly get it back to the right child when we need to.


Key Dates


Children return to school - 4th January

Forest School Sessions - 8.1.24 - 15.1.24 - 22.1.24 - 29.1.24

Safer Internet Day - 6.2.24

Parents Evening - 6.2.24 - 7.2.24

Last day of school 8.2.24



Inset Days















Activities to support your learning at home:

  • Practice writing your first and surname.  How many letters are in your name? What letters make up your name? Can you think of other words which start with the same letter as your name?
  • Practice forming letters and using their phonic knowledge to sound out and write simple words and sentences. Think about the shape of letters and their start and finish points.
  • Look for words in the environment.  You could read labels on packets or tine, read signs and labels in your home, shops or on the street.
  • Read numbers that you see everyday. such as house numbers or car registration plates.  
  • Think about and discuss mathematical concepts in everyday life. talk about the time, use money when out shopping, weigh when cooking or baking add subtract, double, half and measure.
  • Count familiar objects, such as stairs or shoes.  Can you count up to 20 forwards and backwards? How many doors are in your house?
  • Share stories together and enjoy story time! Talk about the stories you have read and pretend to be one of the characters. Encourage your child to sound out simple words and blend them together. 
  • Develop your gross and fine motor skills.  Can you ride a bike? Can you jump and balance?  Can you use scissors to cut to cut lines and shapes? Can you make marks with crayons, pencils, pens, chalks, water or paint?
  • Have fun, explore, laugh and make memories!!

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Welcome to St Anne's Primary School!