Who's Who
Meet the staff at our school!
Head Teacher
Mrs C Middleton - HR, Strategic Vision, Teaching & Learning, H&S, Senior Designated Person for Safeguarding, Appraisal Lead, CPD for SLT and Teaching staff, Music, Health & Well-Being team, Mental Health Lead, Christian Distinctiveness Team
Deputy Head Teacher
Miss M Parkin - Class 5: Teaching & Learning, Curriculum Lead, KS2 Maths Lead, Assessment/Standards, Appraisal Lead, PSHE
Inclusion Coordinator
Miss S Robinson - Class Reception: Inclusion Manager, Deputy Designated Person for Safeguarding, Behaviour Lead, CPD of TA's, Transition Early Years, Pupil Premium, Health & Well-Being Team
Class Teachers
Miss K McDonald - Class 6: KS2 English Lead, Year 6 Transition, Mentor, Modern Foreign Languages Lead
Miss K Burgoyne - Class 4: Physical Education Lead, Sports Fixtures Lead, Science, STEM Team
Mr J Flockhart - Class 3: Design and Technology Lead, Computing Lead, Christian Distinctiveness Team
Miss H Broughton - Class 2: KS1 English Lead, Phonics Lead, Art Lead, Formative Assessment
Miss H Decouto - Class 1: Humanities Lead, Maths Lead, KS1, Educational Visits Co-ordinator
Teaching Assistants
Mrs K Storrs - TA Appraisal, Green Guardians Initiatives, Health & Well-Being team, Christian Distinctiveness Team
Mrs A Sprigg - After-School Clubs Co-ordinator, STEM team, Christian Distinctiveness Team
Mrs L Pearson - ELSA Lead, Health & Well-Being Team
Mrs N McKinnell- Early Years, Named First Aider, Language, Speech & Language Lead, Creative Curriculum Team
Mrs J Otter - Early Years Language, Creative Team, Language, Literacy & Communication Team, Named first-aider
Miss S Howarth - Community Lead, Health &Well-Being Team, Playground Initiatives
Mrs H Wilkinson - Creative team, Health &Well-Being Team, Playground Initiatives
Mrs J Smith - Health & Well-Being Team, Playground Initiatives
Mrs K Unwin - Stem, Health & Well-Being Team
School Office Administration
Miss S Fenton - Office Manager: Finance, HR, Statutory Compliance, H&S, Safer Recruitment
Mrs A J Ridout - Administration Assistant: Office Operations, School Meals, Trips & Attendance
Mid-Day Supervisors
Mrs S Pattnaik
Mrs C Peattie
Mrs L Taylor
Miss A Goodall
Mrs R Espin
Caretaking & Cleaning
Ms A Needham - Caretaker
Mrs L Taylor - Cleaner
Miss R Harris - Cleaner
School Catering
Mrs L Dunnicliff - School Cook
Mrs J Spencer - Kitchen Assistant