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Homework Help

Learning Log Tasks

The main focus of homework is the Learning Log. Children are given open-ended tasks which allow them to work in ways which suit their learning style. There is an expectation that all children attempt the homework set.


To support your child at home we encourage that they read with you for a minimum of 3 times a week. Rewards are given in class to children who read regularly at home.


Children will be given a set of spellings to learn at home each week. Spellings are tested in class weekly. The spellings are taken from the spelling list in the National Curriculum.


Children will be able to access Maths games via the abacus website- these are usually allocated by the class teacher.

Learning of times tables starts in Y2 and is encouraged throughout KS2. Children are signed up to Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS)- an online resource aimed at encouraging children to learn their times tables.

Please see the ‘Class pages’ for each year group for further details relating to each class.