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Medicines in School

It is the policy of St Anne's C of E (A) Primary School that we will administer medication in situations where medicines are required. This applies to both prescription and non-prescription medicines where taking these is essential during school time to allow a pupil to attend school.

It should however, be noted that where a pupil is not well enough to attend school they should not do so and not be sent in with medicine.

The school understand that administering medicines is a purely voluntary activity with the exception of staff where this is written into their job description and will not force, pressure or expect staff to undertake this activity.

The school will only accept medicines in their original container accompanied by a fully completed parental consent form.  It is a parent/ carers responsibly to supply the medicines in date and to collect and dispose of any unused medicines.

Inhalers will be kept in a recognised place in the classroom and children needing them should be encouraged to administer them themselves when needed. 

PLEASE make sure you update us if your child is diagnosed with a medical condition.  Any food allergies should be reported to Mrs Dunnicliff, the School Cook, as soon as possible.