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Eco- Committee

Have a look at what our GREEN GUARDIANS are getting up to.

The Eco-Committee is led by Mrs Storrs and they meet at various times throughout the year.

Increasingly in the media, the impact of litter on our world is well published and as a school we want our children to gain an understanding of stewardship - 'Guardians of our World'.


Keep having a look at the WWF website. If you have a real interest in our world and its environments, you shouldn't miss this website!

You can use this link

There are loads of great videos and information on different habitats, biodiversity, our plastic problem and sustainable lifestyles to name just a few.

It is a fabulous website so please do have a look! 

Our Eco-committee has been working on a whole school audit this term to help us decide what our focus will be to improve our school and help our planet.

One of the main priorities was found to be litter in our grounds. So we have begun to draft a Litter Pick rota that we are hoping can include lots of the classes.

As our work has stopped for the time being we hope to meet as soon as we are back to school and really get our plans into action.

We have begun to put together our information board and have taken pictures of our members so the whole school and our visitors know who is taking part.

Hopefully we will have lots of pictures and information to share with you soon.

Until then, stay well!

Mrs Storrs smiley xx