Church Links
Tots and Tea
Ages: 0-5 (including parents and carers) – ‘Tots and tea’
Every Thursday 9.00 – 11.00am in the church hall (during term time.)
Join us every Thursday morning for our baby, toddler and carers group. A simple breakfast, refreshments, toys and activities and a time to chat with other parents and carers.
We finish our morning off with a short of time of worship, with songs, a bible story and prayers.
All welcome.
For more information contact Dani Johnston (Children & Youth
Assistant) by email on
Thursday Youth Choir
Age Year 6+
The group runs from 6pm - 7pm every Thursday in term-time.
We learn new songs to perform both at church services and in our community. Anyone who loves to sing is welcome at any level from beginner to professional.
For more information please contact Selina Archer (St Anne’s Youth Team Leader) at
StA Kidz
Age: Y4 – Y6: ‘StA Kidz’
In the Church every Thursday, between 5.00pm and 6.00pm
An after school club run by St Anne's church in the church. Fun,
games, craft and worship. Book through the school office.
For more information please contact Dani Johnston (St Anne’s Children & Youth Assistant) by emailing
Friday Night Drop In
Age Year 5+ – ‘Friday Night Drop-in’
In the Church Hall every Friday, ‘Drop – In’ is a weekly youth club including sports, crafts, pool table, games consoles and a chance to socialise.
It is held in the Church Hall from 3.00pm – 5.00pm. £2 entry with the first week free.
Entry price includes a snack during the session of drink and tasty treat.
For more information please contact Dani Johnston (St Anne’s Children & Youth Assistant) by emailing
St Anne's Connect Kids
Age: Reception – Y3: ‘Connect Kidz’
Runs both after-school and one lunch time in school - check in school for the latest update as this changes half -termly.
For more information please contact Dani Johnston (St Anne’s Children & Youth Assistant) by emailing | |
StA Connect
Age: Families ‘StA Connect’
In the school hall every Wednesday, between 3.20pm and 4.30pm
Family worship for all the family in St Anne's School Hall. Come and join us for food, games and fellowship together and then a contemporary worship service for all the family. Songs, prayers and a bible story. Suggested donation £1 per family. For more information please contact Claire Bishop (St Anne’s Children and Families Team Leader) by emailing |